Revamp your home's exterior with Coastal Exterior Solutions. Proudly serving Leland, North Carolina, and the entire Cape Fear Region, we specialize in pressure washing, soft washing, roof cleaning, surface rejuvenation, window cleaning, and gutter repairs. Elevate your curb appeal and safeguard your property with our professional services.
Contact us at (910) 622-4355 for a complimentary estimate and discover the difference CES can make today!
Refresh your home's exterior with our top-notch pressure washing services. Coastal Exterior Solutions utilizes advanced equipment and solutions to blast away dirt, grime, and mold, restoring your surfaces to their pristine condition. Whether it's your siding, driveway, patio, or deck, our skilled technicians ensure a thorough cleaning without causing any damage.
Experience gentle yet effective cleaning with our soft washing expertise. Coastal Exterior Solutions employs a delicate approach to rid your home's exterior of dirt, algae, and mildew. Our specialized soft washing techniques use low-pressure water combined with environmentally friendly detergents to ensure a thorough clean without the risk of damage to delicate surfaces like siding, stucco, or roofing materials. Let us rejuvenate your property's appearance while preserving its integrity.
Protect and enhance your home's curb appeal with our expert roof-washing services. Coastal Exterior Solutions understands the importance of a clean and well-maintained roof for aesthetics, longevity, and structural integrity. Our specialized roof-washing techniques effectively remove unsightly stains, moss, algae, and debris, restoring your roof's beauty and extending its lifespan. With a careful balance of pressure and cleaning solutions, we ensure thorough cleaning without causing any damage to your roof's surface.
Transform your outdoor spaces with our professional surface cleaning services. Coastal Exterior Solutions specializes in rejuvenating driveways, patios, walkways, and other surfaces, ensuring they look as good as new. Our advanced equipment and expertise allow us to efficiently remove dirt, grime, oil stains, and other unsightly marks, restoring the beauty and safety of your surfaces. Whether it's concrete, brick, pavers, or any other material, we have the knowledge and tools to deliver exceptional results.
Our comprehensive gutter cleaning and repair services protect your home from water damage. Coastal Exterior Solutions understands the importance of properly functioning gutters in preserving your property's integrity. Our skilled technicians meticulously remove debris, leaves, and other obstructions to ensure optimal water flow and prevent clogs and overflow. Additionally, we offer expert gutter repairs to address any issues such as leaks, sagging, or damaged components, ensuring your gutters perform effectively year-round. With our attention to detail and commitment to quality, you can trust us to keep your gutters clear and functional, protecting your home from costly water damage.
Let Coastal Exterior Solutions bring clarity and brilliance to your home's windows with our professional window cleaning services. Our experienced team employs industry-leading techniques and solutions to remove dirt, grime, and streaks, leaving your windows sparkling clean and streak-free. Whether it's a single-story residence or a multi-story home, we have the expertise and equipment to tackle windows of all shapes and sizes with precision and care. Enjoy crystal-clear views and enhanced natural light throughout your home while boosting curb appeal and aesthetics.
Phone: (910) 622-4355